Low Approach consists of

Dirk Geuns

Dirk was born february ’80, his interest in aviation was already triggered at very young age because of living in the landing of Kleine-Brogel airbase.The first airshow he went was at Kleine-brogel in 1993, after several years he bought a first compact camera. Very fast after he discovered digitaly photography he wants better quality pictures and he bought his first DSLR Canon camera and until now he uses Canon.

Through the years he travelled around europe for all different excercises and airshows.

Andy Patzelt

Andy was born in ’79. His occupation is Warehouse-Operator. His interest in airshows also started from a young age. He was 10 years when he went to his first airshow. This was the Sanicole airshow. His grandparents lived in Leopoldsburg which is near the airfield of Sanicole, where the airshow is held. But aviation photography started at a later age.

He started taking pictures from airplanes in 2009 when the Tiger Meet at Kleine Brogel was held. For making pictures he uses Nikon material and he’s really content about this brand.

Edwin Huskens



Born in the late 60ties Edwin grew up with the noise from howling F-104 ‘Starfighters’ from the nearby 10th Jachtbommenwerpers Wing. He spend a lot of time at the local base, but after getting a driving license he travelled around to see and enjoy the action from Military aircraft. Highlight during the years were the several spotting trips to former East Germany to see the Russians Stars flying.

Alain Meykens

Alain Meykens saw the first light in 1968. He was caught at an early age with the aviation virus as his grandmother lived next to Kiewit airfield near to Hasselt, Belgium. He attented his first military airshow in 1986 at Kleine Brogel, but without a camera. Photography started in 1989 with his first camera a Praktica. Later he swapped the Praktica for a Minolta and now a Sony. Alain is married and has two children. Professionally he is active in the aviation industry as a Tape Layer Operator at SABCA Limburg, a company who amongst others produced complex composite structures. 

Levie Meykens




Levie Meykens was born in 1994 and has followed his father is his footsteps as a plane spotter from who he picked up the spottervirus. His first spotting experiences were at Kleine Brogel airbase and in recent years he has been following both military and civilian aircraft. He also uses Sony equipment, a Sony A700 being his current camera with a 70-400 mm objective. 

We would like to thank everyone who has helped us over the years with a contribution to the website in particular Laurent Heyligen, Ludo Kloek, Tim Van den Boer and Lien Lamberts.